10568 Metaphor in Educational Thought 1

Credits: 6 advanced credits in Education

Prerequisites: 36 credits, including one of the following: Introduction to Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology and one of the following: Individualized Instruction; Challenges of School Management; Teaching: Art, Craft or Profession?; Sociology of Education; Philosophy of Education; as well as Participation in Psychological and Educational Research. Students must also fulfill all English requirements and take bibliographic instruction in the Library.

The course is based on readers edited by Yeshayahu Shen and Niva Wallenstein.

The course analyzes central theories of the use of metaphors and analogies with an emphasis on the field of educational thought. The point of departure is that the metaphor represents a crucial device in thought, comprehension, communication and learning through which students gain new knowledge on the basis of an analogy to prior knowledge.

Topics: Introduction – metaphor in language and thought; Metaphors of learning; A metaphorical conception of the school system; The metaphor and the analogy as a device for learning and acquiring knowledge; Metaphors in treatment and educational counseling.

1Students may write a seminar paper in this course, although it is not required.