Financial Assistance, Scholarships and Grants Financial assistance The timetable for applications for scholarships can be found here.
Scholarships for high school students The Open University Scholarship Committee, headed by the Dean of Students, grants financial assistance to Open University and School of Technology students. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the student's financial and familial needs, and all applications are considered. Additional factors include scope of studies and academic achievement. High school students who have financial difficulty may apply for a scholarship provided they meet the following criteria (the complete and binding criteria are specified in the "Clarifications" section that accompanies the scholarship application form):
High school students may apply for financial assistance throughout the year. Scholarship application forms can be downloaded here. Academic excellence - Certificates and scholarships Outstanding students who meet the criteria specified will receive a certificate of academic excellence. Certificates on two levels are awarded:
Students may not apply for certificates Excellence in sport scholarships Students may apply for scholarships for excellence in sport subject to fulfillment of the following criteria:
ISEF (International Sephardic Education Foundation) scholarships ISEF, an international education foundation, awards scholarships to students in institutions of higher education. Students are selected according to criteria determined by the Foundation and the Open University: socio-economic circumstance, academic achievement and social involvement. Scholarship recipients must participate in academic and non-academic activities during the academic year. The non-academic activities include participation in social projects and educational programs with adolescents in renewal neighborhoods and development towns. Academic activities are intended to expand the student's knowledge, social awareness and interest in social problems, creating a cohesive group of Foundation members among the students. For more information, see the ISEF - OUI website (in Hebrew, access to students only). For further details, please contact Daniela at 972-9-7781497. Tutorial project (Perach) Perach is a publicly supervised national tutorial project. The project is designed to meet the educational needs of Israeli schoolchildren from disadvantaged families, while at the same time solving the tuition problems of university students who are paired up with a child in need of tutoring. Perach recruits tutors once every academic year, usually during August, September and October. Students commit to participate in the project for one academic year. Students are accepted on a "first come first serve" basis. Students interested in participating in the Perach project can register by mail or via the Perach web site. Preference is given to registration via the Internet. Additional information about Perach as well as a registration form can be found on the web site. Participation in Perach demands on-going activity throughout the year. In exchange for the coaching which is carried out during the academic year, students will receive a scholarship in the amount to be determined by Perach management. The scholarship is usually the equivalent of tuition for three Open University courses. Neither soldiers in compulsory military service and national service nor high school pupils are eligible to participate in this project. For criteria for participation in Perach, click here (in Hebrew). Grants from the Ministry of Education and the Council of Higher Education Open University students may apply for a grant or loan awarded to students enrolled in institutions of higher education by the Students' Department of the Ministry of Education - The Council for Higher Education Planning and Budgeting Committee. The amount of the grant or the loan is determined by the Council for Higher Education. Applications for grants or loans may be submitted only by students enrolled in courses granting a total of at least 24 credits or at least five academic courses in the current academic year. The application must be accompanied by a letter confirming the student's enrollment. We urge students who meet these criteria to take advantage of this opportunity. Students who wish to include Summer semester courses in the total of credits or courses required for applying for a grant request must pre-enroll during the Spring semester enrollment period. Detailed guidelines are provided by the Registration Center. In the case of a married couple, each may apply separately. Students who resided continuously in development areas or renewal neighborhoods for two years prior to applying will be awarded points provided they meet additional criteria as specified on the page attached to the application form.
A letter from the Dean of Students specifying the criteria for the current academic year and explaining the application procedure will be mailed along with the study material only to students registered in the Fall semester. Scholarships for Druse and Circassian students The Ministry of Education scholarship fund for Druse and Circassian students awards scholarships to students with a grade average above 80 in the Humanities and above 70 in the Sciences. The amount of the scholarship depends on the number of eligible students. Application forms can be obtained from the office of the Dean of Students. The application must be accompanied by proof of registration and payment of tuition as well as a transcript of grades. The application will not be considered without the required documents. Contact the Information Center at 972-9-7782222, to receive the necessary documents. A fee is charged for the documents. Applications are submitted to the scholarship fund by the Dean of Students. The Gruss Fund for assistance to demobilized soldiers Grants for students who are victims of terrorism |