Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Open University have admission requirements that I must meet?
No. Enrollment is open to all applicants and does not require a matriculation certificate, a psychometric exam or any other certificate.
What degree will be conferred following completion of studies?
A Bachelor's degree - B.A. or B.Sc.
Is the Open University Bachelor's degree equivalent to degrees awarded by other universities?
Can I be admitted to graduate studies at the Open University or at other universities with a Bachelor's degree from the Open University?
Yes, subject to the special requirements of each university.
Will the degree help me find a job?
There is no guarantee that it will, but a Bachelor's degree is a prerequisite for many positions in various areas.
What programs of study does the Open University offer? How should I choose the field of study most suitable for me?
That depends on your personal preference and abilities. We recommend that you look at the programs of study and the course catalog. The Open University advisors will be glad to provide information.
Must I decide now on my field of study?
It is preferable, but not mandatory. Students at the Open University enroll in each course separately. Many of the introductory courses suit the requirements of several different programs of study.
I started my studies in a certain program and discovered that it was not suitable for me. Have I lost my chances to get a degree?
No. You can usually plan a new program of studies which will include all, or most, of the courses you studied. Discuss this with an Open University advisor.
How many credits must I accumulate to receive a Bachelor's degree?
108 credits are usually required for a degree, although the requirement in certain programs is higher (112, 115 or more). A single course usually grants 6 credits but there are courses which grant 3 or 4 credits.
How many courses must I take to receive a degree?
Between 18 and 26 courses, depending on which program of study you have chosen.
How much time must I invest in each course?
Studies at the Open University involve studying the written and the additional materials, preparing assignments and studying for final examinations. Thus investing in your studies is important. Precisely how much time you will need depends on the course and on individual differences. Details on the method of study can be found here.
How many years will I study towards a degree?
3 to 3.5 years, if your time is devoted exclusively to your studies. In other cases, it depends on how many courses you take each semester.
How many courses may I take in a single semester?
You can take between one and four courses. Please consult with an Open University advisor.
If I discontinue my studies after one or more courses, will I lose the credits I have accumulated?
No. You can resume your studies and the credits you accumulated will be accrued towards your continued studies. However, in some courses there is a time limitation.
Must I demonstrate English language proficiency in order to receive a degree?
Yes. English language proficiency is tested through the Amir, Amiram or psychometric exams. If necessary, you can study English at various levels at the Open University.
When should I begin studying English?
Immediately! You should plan on taking the Amir exam and start your English courses as early as possible. To enroll in advanced courses required for a degree, you need to demonstrate academic-level English proficiency.
Can I receive accreditation for prior higher-education studies?
In most cases, yes. We recommend that you submit a request to the Accreditation Committee as soon as possible.
What are regular tutorials?
Students are assigned to a tutorial group for each Open University course in which they are enrolled. In regular tutorials, the group meets with the tutor once every two or three weeks. A tutorial session lasts for two hours or more. Most tutorial sessions are not mandatory.
What are intensive tutorials?
In this type of tutorial, the group meets with the tutor once every week for 2 to 3 hours, or sometimes twice a week for an hour and a half each time.
What are online tutorials?
Online tutorials are available in many courses through the course websites.
Which type of tutorial should I choose?
It depends on you, the time you have at your disposal and your need for intensive tutorials.
Will I receive guidance on how to study at the Open University?
The Open University offers a wide range of services which focus on teaching and improving learning skills needed for academic studies.
Where can I study?
Open University students can learn anywhere in Israel and abroad. Tutorials are conducted in about 50 study centers throughout the country.
Are tutorials for every course held in every study center?
No. It depends on the number of students registered for a specific course who live in the vicinity of a study center. The academic level of all tutorial groups is identical.
What is the tuition for an academic course at the Open University?
Tuition at the Open University is determined according to the regulations of the Council for Higher Education, and tuition is paid for each course separately. The tuition for a complete degree is the same as tuition paid at other Israeli universities. Details on tuition can be found here (in Hebrew).