13401 Seminar: Effects of Globalization on the Economy, the Production Sector and Financial Markets
Credits: 3 graduate credits in Business Administration
Prerequisites: 36 graduate credits in Business Administration, including Operations Research, Accounting for Managers, Marketing, Management and Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Corporate Law for Managers. Registration for the seminar is conditional on approval of the program director.
Topics: The globalization process and its impact on the national economy and economic growth; Advantages of international trade, the move toward an “open economy” and its impact on the productive sector and the financial system; Understanding the organization and operation of international organizations; Government policies to encourage globalization; The processes of globalization in Israel; The impact of globalization on the Israeli economy in the last decade.
Structure: Each tutorial session is devoted to a survey of the literature and a discussion of issues relevant to topics of the seminar; Each student formulates a topic to analyze and proposes a specific seminar topic; Each proposal is discussed at the sessions; Students determine a schedule with the seminar coordinator for the presentation and submission of the paper; Students present their papers to the group and the seminar coordinator for discussion and critique.