13018 Corporate Law for Managers
Credits: 3 graduate credits in Business Administration
Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program in Business Administration
Author: Hadara Bar-Mor. The materials include a collection of articles and judicial decisions (Israeli and foreign, mainly from the US and Britain).
Objectives: To impart knowledge about corporate law in Israel, including its varied sources: legislation, rulings and literature; to clarify the essence of corporations, including company, partnership, cooperative society and non-profit organizations; to examine the operation of an incorporated company, from its initiation through its liquidation; and the essence of the firm as a financial instrument for raising capital in the capitalist age.
Topics: Company law in the 21st century in light of the new Companies Law and clarification of the differences between public and private companies; The essence of the incorporated company as a separate legal entity, the effectiveness of limited shareholder liability and the rules pertaining to lifting the corporate veil; The organic theory and the liability of the firm and of position holders; Corporate governance and management; Clarifying the relationship between shareholdersin the company (shareholders, managers, creditors) and a detailed account of the mechanisms for resolving conflicts between them; The company’s financial sources and legal instruments for establishing the firm’s relations with its financers, shareholders and lenders; Profit distribution considering conflicting interests between shareholders and creditors; Types of legal claims such as popular relief and derived claims, particularly class action suits; Unusual situations in the firm’s life – receivership, rehabilitation and liquidation.