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Study Method

The distance learning and self-study method, especially developed by the Open University, provides for individual learning, as Open University studies are first and foremost individual studies based on written materials - textbooks and accompanying material mailed to the student. Nonetheless, students are not alone in their studies: the course team and additional learning aids such as tutorials, telephone tutorial sessions, technological learning aids and assignment feedback are all available to students.

      Course team
      Tutorial sessions
      Assignments and examinations
      Technology in distance education
      Study guidance

Course Team
The course coordinator: all course components (tutorials, assignments, exams, study material, etc.) are managed by the course coordinator. The course coordinator holds weekly (telephone) office hours and can be contacted with all inquiries and requests concerning assignments, exams and course-related problems. The course coordinator's office hours are specified in course booklet that accompanies the printed study materials of each course.

The tutor of each study group is responsible for the course material and the tutorials, but does not deal with discipline problems.note-1 In addition to the tutorial sessions, the tutor holds a weekly telephone tutorial and checks students' assignments.

Tutorial Sessions
Every student enrolled in a course is assigned to a study group and a tutor who meet at the study center closest to the student's home. Each tutorial session lasts 2-3 hours. The tutorial session includes a discussion of the materials covered up to that point in the course and addresses questions that may arise in the course of self-study. Groups have between 15 and 40 students, and opening a group is conditional on enrollment of a minimal number of students. Groups may be composed of students of varied ages, adults and/or high school students, in accordance with the
study framework. Tutorial sessions deal with the course topics, and are not intended to supplement the required high school background.

Participation in tutorial sessions is usually not mandatory. However, the sessions help to clarify the study material and offer an opportunity to meet other students enrolled in the course. There are two tutorial formats: regular: 6-7 sessions per semester; and intensive: 8-15 sessions per semester. Intensive tutorials are not offered in all courses.

Group tutorials do not replace self-study. The aim of the tutorial is to help students to learn the course material, but not to teach it all.

Assignments and Examinations
The student studies the material in accordance with the timetable for each course. Students must submit several written assignments to the tutor on set dates throughout the semester. Students will receive a grade and feedback on each assignment. The student must pass a final exam at the end of the course.

Technology in Distance Education
The distance learning method enables efficient and advanced use of state-of-the-art technologies. Three technologies which most Open University students encounter in their first courses include:

Computer communication for distance learning (
Telem): A learning environment that uses computer communication via the Internet. Such courses, similar to regular courses, are primarily based on written materials, but also include activities on the course web sites. The sites include enrichment materials, links to relevant databases and forums which provide on-going individual and group interaction, between the students and the course team and among the students themselves. Additional information can be found on the Telem web site: (in Hebrew).

Telecourses are courses that combine written study material with videocassettes, including a study guide that connects the video to the written material. Additional information is found on the Telecourse web site (in Hebrew).

Ofek is a tutorial system based on broadband communication. The system is used to conduct real-time tutorial sessions from a studio located on the Open University campus to receiving classrooms throughout the country. Students view the tutor on the television screen, and can interact with him/her during the session via special telephones installed in the classrooms. The tutor can also interact with the students and determine their understanding of the study material. The session often includes additional learning aids which enhance the quality of the tutorial session such as computer applications, video clips, and pictures.

Study Guidance
Taking an OU course requires many hours of study. Therefore planning and organization of time is very important. Students may receive individual assistance in improving academic study skills from the Academic Counseling and Study Guidance Center, or participate in special
workshops conducted by the department. For additional information, contact 972-9-7781205.

note-1  Students who cause discipline problems will be taken out of the group. A group with discipline problems will be dispersed.
