Research at the OUI >> The Research Authority
The Research Authority
The Research Authority encourages research among faculty members by helping them find external sources of funding and submitting applications to these funds. In addition, the Authority encourages research by providing direct support through grants and scholarships for research purposes. The Research Authority accumulates and disseminates information on sources of funding, and is responsible for financial and administrative monitoring of research proposals submitted via the Authority which received funding.
The Steering Committee of the Research Authority, chaired by the Dean of Research, is composed of four senior faculty members appointed by the President. The Steering Committee is responsible for the Authority's academic activities, the allocation of funds, and the review of applications to the internal fund. The Director of the Research Authority is responsible for the administrative activities of the Authority.
Dean of Research: Prof. Manor Mendel
Members of the Steering Committee:
Prof. Manor Mendel, Dr. Ronit Weisman,
Dr. Galia Benziman,
Dr. Nurit Gronau
Acting Director of the Research Authority: Yael Shachar
Secretary: Regina Livshitz Levin
Research Grants Coordinator – OUI grants (internal) and responsible for the information: Shahar Rotem
Research Grants Coordinator – External grants: Galit Shulman
Research Grants Coordinator – European Desk: Mika Mor
Contact Information
Address: 1 University Road, POB 808, Raanana 43107
The Research Authority is located in the Technology building, Floor: 2, Room: 208/206/204
Telephone: 972-9-7781133/4/5
Fax: 972-9-7780781
E-mail addresses:
Prof.Manor Mendel: manorme@openu.ac.il
Yael Shachar: yaelsha@openu.ac.il
Shahar Rotem: shaharl@openu.ac.il
Galit Shulman: galitsh@openu.ac.il
Regina Livshitz Levin:reginali@openu.ac.il
Mika Mor: mikamor@openu.ac.il