Research at the Open University The Open University RESEARCH at the OPEN UNIVERSITY of ISRAEL לאתר בעברית

Research Areas in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

In Mathematics, researchers focus on the following areas: game theory, mathematical statistics, number theory, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, orthogonal polynomials.

Researchers collaborate with colleagues in Israel and overseas and actively participate in international conferences. Research results are published in leading journals.

In Computer Science there is a wide diversity of research interests in both theoretical and applied computing. We are proud to be on the cutting edge of research in the most pressing areas in CS today:

Theory and Algorithms: approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, combinatorial optimization, cryptography, metric spaces, computational geometry, information theory, coding theory, online algorithm, and random graphs.

Software Engineering and Programming Languages: aspect-oriented software development (AOP), object-oriented programming (OOP), and component-base software engineering (CBSE); software engineering process and knowledge management.

Systems and Networks: operating systems, computer architecture, computer communication networks, structure and dynamics of complex networks, and computer security.

CS Applications: machine learning, computer vision, and computer graphics

CS Education Research: Efficiency, non-determinism, reduction and other CS concepts: learning, teaching methods, alternative conceptions; developing strategies for teaching challenging subjects; gender and distant learning issues in CS.

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