91410 Field Experience in Psychology

Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Statistics for Students of Social Sciences I, Introduction to Statistics for Students of Social Sciences II, Research Methods in Social Sciences, Personality: Theory and Research, Psychopathology

This year-long course provides students majoring in psychology an opportunity to gain practical experience in the field, accompanied by professional supervision. This experience enables students to determine their affinity to the field, expand their experience and knowledge and consider their suitability to this type of work.

Students are placed in various institutions engaged in clinical psychology for at least two hours weekly (in accordance with the requirements of the institution) and receive individual or group supervision from the institution staff. In addition, there are group meetings led by professional psychologists for students placed in different institutions. Students are required to submit periodic reports to the host institution in accordance with its requirements. At the end of the year, students submit a similar final report to the Open University advisor. The student receives a pass/fail grade at the end of the course.

Admission requirements: Not everyone is suited for clinical work with people. Therefore, course admittance is not assured and depends on the decision of the course staff following a selection process. If it becomes evident to the hosting institution supervisor or to the Open University advisor during the internship that a student is not suited for the treatment work to which s/he is assigned, the University may terminate the student’s participation in the program.

Tuition and registration procedures: As the course is intended to enable students to gain experience in treatment but does not grant academic credit, it is not included in the total tuition units accumulated towards the cumulative and uniform tuition balance. Due to the unique nature of the course and its relation to hospitals and other institutions, Open University course change, postponement and cancellation procedures do not apply. Note: The number of students is limited.