55155 Teaching Oral Law and Jewish Thought: Methodology 1

Prerequisites: At least 84 credits, of which at least 18 credits are in Oral Law and 24 credits are in Judaic Studies, including one of the following advanced courses: Historical Topics in the World of the Sages or The Bar Kokhba Revolt; as well as Curriculum Design, Development, and Implementation and Educational Psychology

The course aims to provide the didactic tools for teaching the discipline to high school students; to deal with pedagogical and ethical questions that arise when teaching the discipline; to familiarize student teachers with the curriculum and existing teaching materials; to provide basic tools for preparing teaching materials; to familiarize student teachers with the basic bibliographic tools they need to deal with the teaching materials.

The course includes 7 mandatory double face-to-face tutorial sessions. Each session includes demonstrations from the curriculum, discussion, practice teaching, and feedback.

1No academic credits are awarded for this course, but it is equivalent to 6 semester hours.

See detailed explanation in the description of the teaching certificate in Oral Law and Jewish Thought in the Information Guide [in Hebrew].