20207 Introduction to Astronomy

Credits: 3 intermediate credits in Astronomy or in Earth Sciences

Prerequisites: none

Required: Mechanics, Modern Physics and Differential and Integral Calculus I (or Infinitesimal Calculus I)

Recommended: Secrets of the Universe; Atoms, Molecules and the Properties of Matter

Authors: Elia Leibowitz, Noah Brosch, Dina Prialnick-Kovetz, Oded Regev

Astronomy deals with fundamental questions such as: What is this world in which we live? What are its origins, its past and its future? It attempts to answer them in the broadest sense known to human consciousness. In addition to enriching knowledge and expanding horizons (metaphorically and literally), astronomy provides us with a new perspective and a different vantage point from which to view ourselves, society, and human activity as a whole.

The course is designed to introduce students to fundamental concepts in astrophysics, to generate interest in this science and to encourage them to follow modern developments by reading scientific literature. It includes broadcasts of up-to-date television series, use of databases on the Internet and a visit to a planetarium.

Topics: The source of astronomical information; Observing stars; The structure of stars; Types of stars; The evolution of stars; The sun as a star.