10941 Brain and Cognition 1

Credits: 6 advanced credits in Psychology

Prerequisites: 36 credits, including Physiology of Behavior, Cognitive Psychology, Introduction to Statistics for Students of Social Sciences I, Introduction to Statistics for Students of Social Sciences II, Research Methods in Social Sciences: Guiding Principles and Research Styles, Participation in Psychological and Educational Research. Students must also fulfill all English requirements and take bibliographic instruction in the Library.

The course is based on Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind (3rd ed.), by M.S. Gazzaniga, R.B. Ivry and G.R. Mangun (Norton, 2008), on a reader edited by Nurit Gronau and Leon Deouell, and on videotaped lectures.

This is a course in Cognitive Neuroscience that examines the relationship between brain and cognition through the use of methods from various research fields such as psychology, neurobiology, and neuroscience. The course presents the key methods in the field and discusses their contribution to understanding the neural basis of cognition. It includes an overview of the latest theories and findings in various topics associated with cognition, including perception, attention, memory, language, and executive functions.

Objectives: To present up-to-date findings in key topics within cognitive neuroscience; to understand the main research methods in the field (e.g., behavioral methods, research on individuals with brain damage, imaging techniques); to discuss the contribution of brain research to cognitive theories, and vice versa.

1Students may write a seminar paper in this course, although it is not required.