10305 Anti-Semitism in the 19th Century 1

Credits: 6 advanced seminar credits in Modern History of the Jewish People

Prerequisites: 36 credits, including one of the following: Anti-Semitism, History of Zionism: 1881-1914 or Jews in an Era of Transition. Students must also fulfill all English requirements and take bibliographic instruction in the Library.

Author: Yossi Goldstein

The course deals with the appearance of modern anti-Semitism in central and Western Europe (mainly in Germany, Austro-Hungary and France) during the 19th century. In the first stage of the course (one semester), students specialize in one topic in one of two tracks which address anti-Semitism in central and Western European countries. In the second stage, students write a seminar paper under supervision.

Track A – Anti-Semitism in the 19th century: The roots of modern anti-Semitism; Germany; Austro-Hungary; France; Track B – The development of modern anti-Semitism in the 19th century: Anti-Semitism as a historical phenomenon; Jewish Emancipation and anti-Semitism (economic, social and political roots of modern anti-Semitism); Religion, political myth and romanticism; The doctrine of racism; Socialism and anti-Semitism.

1Students who write two seminar papers in the framework of the 24 advanced credits may not take both this course and Anti-Semitism and Pogroms in Russia: 1881-1914 (10307), which is no longer offered.