Discipline: Humanities

Topic: World History


“Germany, Where Can it be Found?”

Henry Wassermann

Germany 1770-1830: From 'Kulturnation' to National Culture

This book focuses on a period of two generations (1770-1830), during which Germany underwent a literary and philosophic renaissance which shaped the cultural identity of the Germans for decades, and which endowed Germany with a prestigious status throughout Europe and a distinct national character. It analyzes the four literary movements which contributed to the development of a national German culture: Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Weimar Classicism and Romanticism.


The book also examines the place of the Jews in German culture, state and society. An almost inevitable question in this context relates to whether the seeds of the degeneration of German nationalism can be discerned in the development of a culture conscious of national character.

2001, 312 pp., cat. # 10513


Professor Henry Wassermann, of the Dept. of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies at the Open University of Israel, is the author of numerous publications, among them, False Start: Jewish Studies at German Universities During the Weimar Republic (Humanity Books; 2003).

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