Discipline: Humanities

Topic: History of the Jewish People


From Exile to Independence: From the Babylonian Exile to the Fall of the Hasmonean Kingdom

Uriel Rappaport

This 6-volume series deals with the central events in the history of the Jewish people beginning with the return from Babylonian exile and the renewal of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel through the period of independence under Hasmonean rule. The text follows the changes which took place in Judaism following the destruction of the Temple and the Babylonian exile and the renewal of Jewish life in the Land of Israel in the Persian period.


The central portion of the series deals with the crisis experienced by Jewish society in its encounter with Hellenistic culture and the establishment of a sovereign Jewish state.

Volume 1: The return to Zion; The period of Persian rule (1990, 176 pp., cat. # 10419-1)

Volume 2: The Greek conquest; Judaism and Hellenism (1990, 173 pp., cat. # 10419-2)

Volume 3: Antiochus persecution; The Maccabean revolt and the annulment of persecution (1990, 144 pp., cat. # 10419-3)

Volume 4: From revolt to a state; The Hasmonean state: Establishment and expansion (1990, 112 pp., cat. # 10419-4)

Volume 5: The economy of the Hasmonean state; Society and culture in the Hasmonean period (1990, 220 pp., cat. # 10419-5)

Volume 6: The Jewish Diaspora in the Hellenistic period; Judea in the Shlomzion period (1990, 208 pp., cat. # 10419-6)


Professor Uriel Rappaport, of the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa, is co-editor of Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of Research (Eisenbrauns, 1992).

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