The central portion of the series deals with the
crisis experienced by Jewish society in its encounter with Hellenistic culture
and the establishment of a sovereign Jewish state.
Volume 1: The return to Zion; The period of
Persian rule (1990, 176 pp., cat. # 10419-1)
Volume 2: The Greek conquest; Judaism and
Hellenism (1990, 173 pp., cat. # 10419-2)
Volume 3: Antiochus persecution; The Maccabean revolt and the annulment of persecution
(1990, 144 pp., cat. # 10419-3)
Volume 4: From revolt to a state; The Hasmonean state: Establishment and expansion (1990, 112
pp., cat. # 10419-4)
Volume 5: The economy of the Hasmonean
state; Society and culture in the Hasmonean
period (1990, 220 pp., cat. # 10419-5)
Volume 6: The Jewish Diaspora in
the Hellenistic period; Judea in the Shlomzion
period (1990, 208 pp., cat. # 10419-6)