Discipline: Humanities

Topic: Judaic Studies


Introduction to Biblical Literature


The aim of this 6-volume series, written by renowned experts on aspects of biblical criticism, is to develop skills in critical reading of biblical literature through an acquaintance with various literary types found in the different sections of the Bible. Topics include elements of the literary-critical method and the growth and formation of the Bible from the smallest orally-transmitted units to the final form of the canon.


Volume 1 (1988, 224 pp., cat. # 10278-1)

Part 1: From tradition to criticism (Zeev Weisman)

Part 2: From an oral to a written literary work (Zeev Weisman)

Volume 2 (1988, 400 pp., cat. # 10278-2)

Part 1: Biblical poetry (Yitshak Avisur)

Part 2: Types of biblical prose: narrative; laws (Shamai Gelander)

Part 2: Orations; documents and records (Zeev Weisman)

Volume 3: Introduction to Biblical literature (Zeev Weisman, 1989, 146 pp., cat. # 10278-3)

Volume 4: Early and late biblical historiography (Zeev Weisman, Shamai Gelander, 1989, 258 pp., cat. # 10278-4)

Volume 5 (1990, 320 pp., cat. # 10278-5) 

Part 1: The prophetic literature (Ruth Fidler, Zeev Weisman)

Part 2: The psalms (Zeev Weisman)

Volume 6 (1990, 344 pp., cat. # 10278-6)

Part 1: Wisdom literature (Nili Shupak)

Part 2: Canonization of the Bible (Ruth Fidler, Zeev Weisman)

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