Discipline: Humanities

Topic: Judaic Studies


Introduction to Oral Law


Oral Law (Rabbinics) is the interpretation, expansion and supplementation of Written Law, including oral traditions transmitted from generation to generation. Oral Law, eventually put in writing, includes the entire wisdom of the Sages as presented in the Halakhah, Aggadah, and Jewish philosophy through the ages. These volumes deal with Rabbinics, its foundations, essence, history and literature – in the Mishnaic and Talmudic period and in the post-Talmudic period; Halakhic sources and principles; Jewish jurisprudence, literature of the Poskim and the literature of questions and answers.


Volume 1 (1991, 200 pp., cat. # 10133-1)

Part 1: Written and Oral Law (Moshe Weiss)

Part 2: Midreshei Halakhah (Joseph Agur)

Volume 2  (1991, 208 pp., cat. # 10133-2)

Part 1: The Mishnah (Joseph Agur, Yehezkel Luger)

Part 2: Baraita and Tosefta (Yehonatan Etz-Chayim)

Volume 3 (1992, 360 pp., cat. # 10133-3)

Part 1: The Babylonian (Yehonatan Etz-Chayim)

Part 2: The Jerusalem Talmud (Ben-Zion Rosenfeld)

Part 3: Aggadah (Sidney J. Gatner)

Volume 4 (1996, 320 pp., cat. # 10133-4)

Part 1: The authority of the Sages (Moshe Weiss)

Part 2: Regulations, edicts and customs (Yehezkel Luger)

Part 3: Law and ethics (Joseph Agur)

Volume 5 (1993, 224 pp., cat. # 10133-5)

Part 1: Codification of the Law (Yehezkel Luger)

Part 2: Responsa literature (Yehezkel Luger)

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