Organizational Structure and Officeholders
- Chancellor - Supreme Court Chief Justice (ret.) Dorit
The Chancellor is the head of the University and Chairman of the Council - Deputy Chancellor - The Rt. Hon. Lord Rothschild
Replaces the Chancellor in her absence - Vice-Chancellor - Prof. Abraham Ginzburg
Replaces the Chancellor and the Deputy Chancellor in their absence - Chairman of the Executive Committee - Mr. Zeev Abeles
Heads the Executive Committee - President of the Open University - Prof. Kobi
The academic and administrative head of the University; Chair of the Senate, Chair of the Faculty Council - Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs -
Prof. Aviad
Responsible for all the academic aspects of the activities of the University; replaces the President in his absence - Director General - Mr. Amit Streit
Responsible for the administrative and financial affairs of the University; the publishing house, the computer center and the extra-academic departments. - Dean of Academic Studies - Prof. Haim Saadoun
Deals with university-wide and inter-departmental issues related to studies at the Open University - Dean of Research - Prof. Manor Mendel
Deals with all issues related to research at the Open University - Dean of Development and Educational Technology - Prof.
Sarah Guri-Rosenblit
Deals with course development and the integration of technologies into teaching - Advisor to the President for Promoting Gender Equality - Prof. Judith Gal-Ezer
- Director of International
Academic Initiatives - Prof. Tamar Hermann
The Council
The Council of the Open University of Israel is the supreme authority of the University and is vested with all the powers thereof, unless otherwise determined by the Statutes or the General Regulations. The Council is headed by the Chancellor. The President of the University and the Vice President for Academic Affairs are members of the Council by virtue of their positions.

The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is appointed by the Council from among its members and is responsible for planning, implementation, direction, and supervision. The Executive Committee is responsible to the Council. The Chairman of the Executive Committee reports to the Council on the Committee's activities.
Members of the Executive Committee

The Senate
The Senate is the supreme academic body of the University and is responsible for the determination of academic standards. It strives to maintain the University's academic standards, especially that of the academic faculty and the academic study programs. It outlines the plans for academic development. The Senate is headed by the President of the University.
Academic Subcommittees
- Humanities - Dr. Ishay Landa, Chair
- History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies - Dr. Ishay landa. Chair
- Literature, Language and the Arts - Dr. Tammy Amiel-Hauser,
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Prof. David Lorenz, Chair
- Natural Sciences - Dr. Ofer Reany, Chair
- Social Sciences - Dr. Dennis Charbit, Chair
- Management and Economics - Dr. Mordechai Schwarz, Chair
- Sociology, Political Science and Communication - Prof. Yagil Levy, Chair
- Education and Psychology - Dr. Nurit Gronau, Chair
- Transfer tracks to other universities – Prof. Aviad Heifetz, Chair
Senate Subcommittees
- Study Program Approval - Dr. Galia Benziman, Chair
- Accreditation - Dr. Ophir Munz-Manor, Chair
Disciplinary Committee and Court of Appeals
The Disciplinary Committee is composed of three members: the member of the academic faculty appointed to oversee disciplinary matters, together with his two deputy supervisors - a member of the University faculty and an OUI student. The Committee deliberates regarding disciplinary violation complaints lodged against students.
- Chair of the Disciplinary Committee - Prof. Eran Chajut
- Head of the Disciplinary Court of Appeal - Prof. Ronit Bogler
- Coordinator of the Disciplinary Committee - Meital Chookron
- Members of the Disciplinary Committee - Adv. Ido Leshem, Dr. Ela Zur, Adv. Sagi Gershgoren, CPA, Dr. Mohammad Massalha, Dr. Ramadan Abu-Aklin, Yehezkel Noiman, Dr. Raz Mustigman, Julia Beshadsky-Lebovich, Dr. Nurit Goldman, Dr. Ilan Ben-Ami, Dr. Cynthia Edenburg
- Student members of the Disciplinary Committee (in
rotation) - Rabea Algamal, Yoram Galili, Pinchas Tannenbaum,
Dvir Goldstein, Avraham Ben-Chaim, Shai Yuz, Motti Buzaglo

The Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is composed of all senior faculty members, the President of the Unversity, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Faculty Council examines and discusses academic issues and affairs of the University. Its recommendations and suggestions are submitted by the President to the relevant University bodies.
Members of the Faculty Council