AdKan, the newsletter of the Open University of Israel, was first published in 1982. It began as a one-page news-sheet and today, with the development of the Open University and the expansion of its activities, it has reached 48 pages.
AdKan describes the latest developments and innovations at the Open University: events, reports on on-going research by OUI faculty, descriptions of new courses added to the large variety of available courses, and interviews with students, new and veteran alumni, and staff and faculty of the different departments. In addition, there are regular sections on new books, reviews of courses of special interest, reports on symposia, extra-academic studies, and activities of the Friends of the Open University.
The newsletter is published in about 55,000 issues and distributed among students, faculty, the Faculty Council and the Academic Committee, academic advisors, tutors, course writers, alumni, staffs of the Open University and the Centre for Educational Technology, Friends of the Open University, as well as various university and other libraries, heads of colleges at which OUI courses are taught, institutes and organizations affiliated with the Open University, and faculty of universities connected with the OUI.
The online version of AdKan, including past issues (in Hebrew), can be found here.
For further information, please contact:
The Open University of Israel
The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus
108 Ravutski St., POB 808
Raanana, Israel 43107
Tel: 972-9-7781940, 972-9-7781166
Fax: 972-9-7780603, 972-9-7780660