31011 English for Psychology and Education Students: Level A 1

No credits

Prerequisites: A-level classification based on the psychometric test, on the Amir/Amiram English proficiency tests, or successful completion of the B-level preparatory course

Authors: Annette Rosenberg, Jannette Segal, Tova Persoff

Objective: The objective of the course is to develop reading strategies enabling efficient reading of academic material in English. Reading strategies include: cognitive skills, enrichment of vocabulary and linguistic structures, and understanding organization patterns of academic texts.

The course includes academic articles on a variety of topics in psychology and education. The difficulty level, length and complexity of the articles increase gradually during the course.

The learning process consists of three stages: Pre-reading (navigating the text): initial reading to gain a general impression and advance mapping of the central points and the relevant terms and expressions; Reading in depth: detailed and focused in-depth reading of arguments and conclusions; Post-reading: summary, processing and rereading to internalize content, examine the integration of the new information with prior knowledge and apply tools acquired in the learning process. The course includes a mid-term examination.

The course is offered in intensive and regular tutorial formats as well as through online tutorials (participation from home).

1Students who enrolled in the past in A-level courses: English Reading Comprehension for Science (30101) or English: Reading Comprehension for Humanities and Social Sciences (30102), without having taken a proficiency test and failed, may not re-enroll in the course. These students must take the Amir exam and enroll in the level – A, B, C, D or E – according to the placement.