20436 Principles of Information Systems Development 1

Credits: 4 intermediate credits in Computer Science

Prerequisites: none

Required: Database Systems

The course is based on Modern Systems Analysis and Design (6th ed.), by J.A. Hoffer, J.F. George, and J.S. Valacich (Prentice-Hall International, 2011), and Microsoft Access 2010 WorkShop, by E. Shtemer and A. Kaminsky (Hod-Ami, 2010, in Hebrew).

Objectives: To present the information systems development environment emphasizing the various approaches to information systems development implemented in academia and industry today. The course mainly focuses on the stages of determining system requirements, system analysis, and design. In addition, students learn and implement the construction of a prototype using ACCESS.

Topics: Foundations for systems development; Determining system requirements; Information systems analysis; Designing information systems; Prototype of an information system and implementing it using ACCESS; Introduction to object-oriented systems; Selected topics in managing information system development.

1There is some overlap in the content of this and other courses. For details, see Overlapping Courses.