10954 The Economy of Israel 1
Credits: 3 advanced credits in Economics
Prerequisites: 36 credits, including Introduction to Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics I, Macroeconomics II, Price Theory I, Price Theory II. Students must also fulfill all English requirements and take bibliographic instruction in the Library.
Authors: Benjamin Bental, Ami Barnea
The course applies neo-classical theories in order to describe and explain a wide range of major developments in the Israeli economy, from the establishment of the state to the 20th century.
Topics: History of the Israeli economy since 1948; Economic growth - theory; The growth of the Israeli economy and its historical sources; Money and inflation; Israeli Inflation in international comparison; The labor market; The capital market; The public sector and fiscal policy; Foreign trade and the balance of payments.
1Students may write a seminar paper in this course, although it is not required. Students who took The Economy of Israel (10665, 3 intermediate credits) in the past may apply for permission to write a seminar paper.
There is some overlap in the content of this and other courses. For details, see Overlapping Courses.