Research at the Open University The Open University RESEARCH at the OPEN UNIVERSITY of ISRAEL לאתר בעברית

CS Education Research:

Research in Computer Science (CS) teaching is varied. Most research and development in the field focuses on the following issues:

  1. Teaching and learning processes of concepts in the area of Computer Science that are considered difficult to understand. The research focuses on cognitive, affective, social, cultural and emotional aspects of these processes as well as analysis of learning difficulties, examination of the effectiveness of new teaching and learning strategies, misconceptions regarding concepts in CS, and more.
  2. Development and implementation of high school- and university-level CS teaching materials with the aim of creating improved up-to-date materials that utilize state-of-the-art technologies. Development and implementation of these materials is accompanied by evaluation that examines their effectiveness.
  3. Scientific and professional training of CS teachers and an investigation of teachers' development throughout their careers.

While the research topics are Computer Science topics, both theoretical and practical, the research methodology also draws on the Social Sciences and includes qualitative methods, quantitative methods and a combination of both.

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