31001 English for Science Students: Level A 1

No credits

Prerequisites: A-level classification based on the psychometric test, on the Amir/Amiram English proficiency tests, or successful completion of the B-level preparatory course

Authors: Isabel Berman, Ellen Schur, Yael Bejarano

Objective: The objective of the course is to develop reading strategies enabling efficient reading of academic material in English. Reading strategies include: cognitive skills, enrichment of vocabulary and linguistic structures, and understanding organization patterns of academic texts.

The course includes academic articles on a variety of topics in physics, mathematics, computer sciences, biology and chemistry. The difficulty level, length and complexity of the articles increase gradually during the course.

The learning process consists of the following stages: pre-reading, focused reading, close reading, post-reading, enrichment. The course includes a mid-term examination.

The course is offered in intensive and regular tutorial formats as well as through online tutorials (participation from home).

1Students who enrolled in the past in A-level courses: English Reading Comprehension for Science (30101) or English: Reading Comprehension for Humanities and Social Sciences (30102), without having taken a proficiency test and failed, may not re-enroll in the course. These students must take the Amir exam and enroll in the level – A, B, C, D or E – according to the placement.