20404 Inorganic Chemistry 1

Credits: 6 intermediate credits in Chemistry

Prerequisites: none

Required: General Chemistry2 (or General Chemistry I + General Chemistry II, for Biology Students; or General Chemistry I + General Chemistry II), and the ability to read scientific texts in English.

The course is based on Inorganic Chemistry (5th ed.), by D.F. Shriver and P.W. Atkins (Oxford University Press, 2009).

Objectives: Introduction to basic topics in inorganic chemistry; Understanding molecular symmetry and symmetry analysis as a tool for structural determination in inorganic chemistry; Systematic acquaintance with the periodic table, by following the trends in reactivity, structure and properties of the elements and their compounds; Systematic rationalization and interpretation of properties of inorganic compounds by using qualitative models that are based on atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals and bonding models.

Topics: Atomic and molecular structure; Molecular symmetry; Description of solid structures (thermodynamic and kinetic aspects); Acids and bases, d-metal complexes: structures, binding theory and complex stability, reaction mechanisms; Spectra of complexes; d-block organometallic compounds; Hydrogen and s-block elements; Boron and carbon groups and their compounds; Nitrogen and oxygen groups and their compounds; The halogens and the noble gases.

1There is some overlap in the content of this and other courses. For details, see Overlapping Courses.

2or General Chemistry (20477 or 20487), which is no longer offered.