10351 The Bar Kokhba Revolt 1

Credits: 6 advanced credits in Ancient History of the Jewish People

Prerequisites: 36 credits, including one course in Ancient History or in Ancient History of the Jewish People. Students must also fulfill all English requirements and take bibliographic instruction in the Library.

Author: Rivka Nir

The course focuses on the central problems related to the Bar Kokhba revolt. It aims to enable students to develop skills for critical reading and analysis of historical sources; develop the ability to read research literature; develop a critical approach, independent thinking and the ability to explain and justify positions concerning the issues addressed. The materials include The Bar Kokhba Revolt: Issues in Jewish History, edited by A. Oppenheimer; and The Bar Kokhba Revolt: A New Approach, edited by A. Oppenheimer and U. Rappaport.

Topics: The Bar Kokhba revolt – background and contributing factors; The territorial scope of the revolt and its participants; Leadership; Consequences – decrees of persecution and reactions to them; from Judea to the Galilee.

1Students may write a seminar paper in this course, although it is not required.

This course is also offered in Russian (42303). Its description is available on the Russian-language website of the Open University (https://www-r.openu.ac.il/).

There is some overlap in the content of this and other courses. For details, see Overlapping Courses.